Library orientation for undergraduate freshers of DEH - Summer 2024
The ULAB Library held consecutive orientation sessions on 2nd and 3rd June 2024 for the Department of English and Humanities (DEH) freshers enrolled in the ENG 1101 sec. 1, 2, and 3, led by Joint Librarian, Hasan Emam. This interactive session aimed to equip new students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the library's resources and services. The session offered a Book Hunting Competition. Freshers put their teamwork and information retrieval skills by locating specific books within the library. This fun activity helped them familiarize themselves with the library layout and introduced them to the library's extensive collection.
Mr. Hasan provided a comprehensive overview of the library resources and services. This included details on print and online collections, DEH students now know exactly where to find the materials they need for their academic pursuits.
He also covered essential topics like borrowing policies, an overview of the library's rules and regulations, and essential know-how. This orientation session empowered DEH freshers to become confident and efficient library users. We will be hosting more workshops and events throughout the semester.