E-resources on COVID-19

Life become complicated all over the world due to Corona virus pandemic. Besides others education sector is also facing a lot of difficulty. In this situation publishers from different disciplines come forward to fulfill readers smooth use of reading materials. They make lots of their resources available to the readers during the current pandemic in the world. Some of the resources related with COVID-19 are listed below:


ACS Publications

Here are enclosed a collection of free to read online teaching chemistry resources from the Journal of Chemical Education and the ACS Division of Chemical Education. There are also virtual issues of all articles related to Covid-19 from ACS Publications:

Chemistry in Coronavirus Research: A Free to Read Collection from the American Chemical Society.

This regularly updated collection includes journal articles, video resources, distance learning modules, etc.


American Physiological Society (APS)

APS Coronavirus-Related CollectionFor the remote users in the world-wide, articles deliberating COVID‐19, coronavirus, SARS and other related research will be freely accessible as part of the coronavirus-related collection.


American Psychological Association (APA)

Collection of freely available APA journal articles: There are a collection of journal articles about during Pandemic the effects of economic stress on mental health, telehealth, and other topics related to the current crisis. For doctors, nurses and the general public, APA has a continually updated pandemics resource. Of particular interest maybe this article on “Seven crucial research findings that can help people deal with COVID-19“.


American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources (ASM)ASM is giving free access to nearly 50 research articles published in the recent year in ASM’s 16 scholarly journals to help look into endeavours and interchanges about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).


Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews has set up a resource centre for articles that are freely available: Research Support: Coronavirus primer (Annual Reviews)


Bezi Publishing Services

CEIC Data: Novel Coronavirus Outbreak MapExplore CEIC Data’s interactive global map covering the number of confirmed cases, deaths, recovered patients and concentration of the CoVID-19 virus. It’s free and updated daily for the users.


Biochemical Society/Portland Press

“The Biochemical Society/Portland Press has, along with several organizations and publishers, signed a joint statement on sharing research data relating to the coronavirus outbreak freely available in COVID- 19 Pandemic can be available in here.


ACS Publications

Enclosed are the virtual issues of all articles related to Covid-19 from ACS Publications



C&EN Publications

C&EN compilation details about the impact of Covid-19



ACS Central Science journal

A special report published by researchers at the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) in ACS Central Science journal. The report reviews published scientific information on potential therapeutic drugs and vaccines for COVID-19 and highlighted scientist-cited patent literature in the CAS database.



Chemical Society of different countries

A collection of the latest research on novel coronaviruses on the ChemRxiv preprint platform. ChemRxiv was co-sponsored by the American Chemical Society, the Royal British Chemical Society, the German Chemical Society, the Chinese Chemical Society, and the Japanese Chemical Society.



ES&T Publications

ES&T and ES&T Letters jointly launched a Free-to-read virtual issue “Overview of Research on the Fate and Behavior of Enveloped Viruses in the Environment” to showcase the current research progress on the persistence and environmental behavior of enveloped viruses in the environment



American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

ANSI has also launched a COVID-19 ANSI Resource Webpage highlighting activities of the U.S. standardization community in the fight against the pandemic. The resource page spotlights ANSI members’ activities supporting public health, safety, and infrastructure, and includes important ANSI announcements, distance learning opportunities, and other resources.



American Physiological Society (APS)

APS Coronavirus-Related Collection.



American Psychological Association (APA)

Updated collection of freely available APA journal articles examining the psychological impact of a pandemic, the effects of economic stress on mental health, telehealth, and other topics related to the current crisis


APA has a continually updated pandemics resource


Of particular interest may be this article on “Seven crucial research findings that can help people deal with COVID-19”



American Society for Microbiology

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources (ASM)



Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews has set up a resource center for articles that are freely available




COVID-19 ArtsHub section on ArtsHub website to ensure free and easier access to that information



Bezi Publishing Services

Explore CEIC Data’s interactive global map covering the number of confirmed cases, deaths, recovered patients and concentration of the CoVID-19 virus. Free and updated daily.



Biochemical Society/Portland Press

The Biochemical Society/Portland Press has, along with several organisations/publishers, signed a joint statement on sharing research data relating to the coronavirus outbreak freely available




As the world navigates the COVID-19 pandemic, BioOne is proud to share the wealth of relevant content from our publishing partners to provide support for those working on crisis solutions.


Avian Diseases (125 articles) Publisher: American Association of Avian Pathologists


Journal of Wildlife Diseases (56 articles) Publisher: Wildlife Disease Association


Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (34 articles) Publisher: American Association of Zoo Veterinarians


additional relevant articles related to the coronavirus and pandemics on BioOne Complete




Brill have opened up access to selected e-books and e-journal articles on topics such as epidemics (past and present), crisis and containment strategies, and home-schooling and distance learning. Access is free worldwide via this dedicated Brill e-books and e-journals mini-site.



Cambridge University Press

COVID-19 collection from Cambridge University Press. Some of this content is open access anyway, the rest has been made freely available



For those working specifically on COVID-19, we have made available publications and resources free of charge.


ACS Efforts and Resources on COVID-19




2 COVID-19 Special Collections published: critical care & infection control and prevention, plus other Cochrane resources.




As a member of STM, CSIRO announced it was willing to comply with the request from the US Office of Science and Technology Policy to post full text of all COVID-19 content plus associated data into PubMed upon publication, for free and with data mining allowed.



Duke University Press

We would like to share our Duke University Press free content reading lists (included is Navigating the Threat of Pandemic)



They are also opening all available content for East Asian Science, Technology and Society




EBSCO would like to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on your library by extending free and expanded access to EBSCO academic content



EDP Sciences

Very early in the pandemic, EDP Sciences decided to open its journal content from 2018-2020, including Covid-19 content, so that it became freely available for all to read.




Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource center with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19.


Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information Center for nursing and healthcare educators




They have made Emerald research on COVID-19 and the management of epidemics and pandemics free for anyone to access and have also made this available with full text and data mining rights to PubMed Central and the World Health Organisation repository




While the COVID-19 situation is ever-changing, IBISWorld will continue to provide resources and information as it becomes available.



JAMA Network

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – check here for JAMA Network updates on diagnosis and treatment




To support the efforts of scientists and researchers working hard to address the COVID-19 outbreak, JoVE has made its coronavirus focused JoVE research videos freely available.




Karger have created a Topic Article Package for COVID



The Lancet

To assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Lancet Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published.




LexisNexis Offers Free, Comprehensive COVID-19 News Coverage and Practical Guidance Content from Law360 and Lexis Practice Advisor. Law360 covers COVID-19’s impact on the government, business and the legal profession; Lexis Practice Advisor toolkit provides guidance and insights across multiple practice areas to support decision-making and counsel on COVID-19 matters



Mark Allen Group (MAG)

We would like to bring to your attention our dedicated Mark Allen Group COVID-19 page hosting any articles we have published relating to the COVID-19 virus, all of which is free to access.



Mary Ann Liebert

Mary Ann Liebert have selected a number of relevant articles from their Health Security, Telemedicine and e-Health and Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News titles.


We have selected 10 relevant articles from Health Security on coronaviruses, outbreak preparedness and response, infection control, and public health policy


Telemedicine and e-Health publishes vital academic research that addresses, answers, and highlights how we can prevent a global outbreak such as the COVID-19 coronavirus using telemedicine techniques




COVID Central will be a source of weekly updated developments and analysis in clinical medicine, public health, and industry and will be aimed at healthcare professionals, trainees and students, and librarians.


the Coronavirus Interactive 3D Media Assets



Medicom Medical Publishers

Free access to the Medicom Conference Report library



Microbiology Society

We are temporarily removing the paywall from our journals’ platform.



MIT Press

We have gone through our journal backfile to select relevant articles from our collection that speak to issues related to pandemics, epidemiology, and other related topics.




NEJM is providing a collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.



New York Times

Free access to the most important news on The Coronavirus outbreak from the New York Times coronavirus page.




LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about COVID-19. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 1200 (and growing) relevant articles in PubMed.




The OECD has just established an OECD COVID-19 portal, gathering all relevant evidence, analysis and advice on policy responses published by the Organisation.




Ovid has created a dedicated COVID-19 site, featuring expert searches, a widget and a link to access GIDEON — Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Network, plus specific resources for nurses. We will be adding additional content as it becomes available.



Oxford University Press

With the recent coronavirus situation, Oxford University Press has made content from OUP online book resources and leading journals freely accessible to assist researchers, medical professionals, policy makers, and others who are working to address this health crisis




They have prepared a list of authoritative ProQuest COVID-19 resources we would like to share with your members about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.



Royal College of Nursing

This page provides RCN members with the information and resources to support their understanding of and management of COVID-19.



Royal Society

The Royal Society has signed a Wellcome Statement on the subject of research findings and data relevant to the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak.


This Royal Society special COVID-19 collection comprises some papers likely to be relevant to the outbreak.



Royal Society of Chemistry

Freely available content from the Royal Society of Chemistry relating to COVID-19.




See the RSNA link dedicated to COVID-19.


COVID-19 articles are available here.


COVID-19 podcasts are available here.


COVID-19 cases are available here.


For COVID-19 news click here.




Making any relevant content about COVID-19 freely available to your consortia members as well as universally for all readers.


There is also a list of freely available SAGE Corona Virus related articles.




Click here for Scritus information on the coronavirus pandemic.



Semantic Scholar

A Free, Open Resource for the Global Research Community In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Allen Institute for AI has partnered with leading research groups to prepare and distribute the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), a free resource of over 29,000 scholarly articles, including over 13,000 with full text, about COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of viruses for use by the global research community.



SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

The SIAM Epidemiology Collection, focused on disease modeling, pandemics, and vaccines, is freely available to all for one year. Please share this important resource with your researchers and students.




SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science continues to be freely available this year during its introductory launch period.



see also: COVID-19 Open Access Resources