If the required e-copy is not available please contact the library through the following e-mail for the required scanned copy: [email protected]
Scanning service is one of the most important services for the users. ULAB Library provides scanning services to ULABians from books and journals or any other types of materials that are available in library stock. Library provides only a chapter or 20 pages (maximum)/10% of any books and an article of any journal.
How to request:
ULABians are eligible for this scanning request service. When the e-content of the required resource is not available in the open-source then we will provide scanned materials to the users – please click on the following link and fill up the form for getting the service.
request link:
Note: When you request through e-mail you must mention the title, author, edition, chapter/page number, etc. of the book or journal in the email body.
The library will send the requested scanned material within the shortest possible time.
ULAB Library Database – OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Users may browse the library database for checking the availability of the required resources.
Contact ULAB Library