Turnitin Policy


University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh has a subscription agreement with Turnitin, South Asia. Turnitin is a web-based software that enables academic papers to be submitted for assessment, feedback, and similarity matching against webpages, e-journals, and previously submitted works.



This policy statement aims to guide all Instructors and students of ULAB on the availability, support, and responsibility for using the Turnitin- plagiarism checker.


Turnitin Policy for Instructor

- Faculty members should add their students to a Turnitin class for courses that require a similarity check.

- Turnitin Class end date should be within the semester or 60 days of class creation. 

- Student profiles must be opened with the ULAB email address. 

- Instructors must drop/delete students from the class who are enrolled without ULAB email.

- In the case of group assignments, one member from a group should be added to the class. 

- The library shall provide support to the students and instructors facing problems with their Turnitin profile.

- ULAB accepts up to 20% (twenty percent) of similarity. Any similarity above 20% of the text submitted requires scrutiny of whether there is academic misconduct. 

- Instructors should allow students to see their similarity reports during the assignment settings.

- Instructors should allow students to overwrite their papers until the due date in case of Thesis, dissertation, internship report, or project report during the assignment settings.

- Instructors should not allow students to overwrite their papers until the due date in case of exam papers during the assignment settings.

- Similarity of submitted papers should be checked from all three given repositories.

- Bibliography and Quoted sources may be excluded from the similarity index.


Turnitin Policy for Student

- Student profiles must be opened with the ULAB email address. 

- Faculty members should add their students to a Turnitin class which courses require a similarity check.

- Students can be enrolled in a Turnitin class if the instructor shares the‘ Class ID’ & ‘Enrollment key’.

- All graduate students and Undergrad students of the last two terms are entitled to get Turnitin ID. 

- Student licenses will be blocked who will be using Turnitin with an unofficial email address.

- The library shall provide support to the students and instructors facing problems with their Turnitin profile.

- Users may check their paper as many times as they want but should not check someone else’s paper in Turnitin. 

- In the case of group assignments, any member of the group can check the paper. 

- ULAB accepts up to 20% (twenty percent) of similarity. Any similarity above 20% of the text submitted requires scrutiny of whether there is academic misconduct.